Tag Archives: How To Snowboard

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Snowboarding Two Feet In

This online snowboard lesson will go over Snowboarding With Two Feet In. This is the next step for beginner snowboarders that have been skating around and steering with one foot in. People tend to drag their back foot in the snow acting like an anchor to brake for them. At this level you need to be able to pressure the edge to turn the snowboard and not force the board around with hip rotation movements. Use more of your lower body like your ankles to flex the board and to steer. We also have some free snowboard videos for beginners to prepare you for a great day snowboarding on our YouTube Page. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you signup that cover every step and feedback from your coach. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Beginner Snowboard Lesson on Steering, Toeside Heelside Stance, Learn How To Ride The Lifts Safely, How to Snowboard: Balance Twist, Beginner Snowboard Stance, Snowboard Pads, Snowboard Training Hill, What To Wear Snowboarding, & How To Size Your Snowboard Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com, Take Placement Quiz, take a look at Our Blog for more free content, and learn to snowboard right!

Putting your back foot in is awkward at first but gets easier. Snowboarding is similar to riding a bike because the faster you go the easier it is to balance and steer. When you’re going slow on a bike you have to turn the wheel a lot instead of leaning when you’re going faster. If you’re slow enough you lose your balance and put your foot down. Snowboarding you need a little more speed to keep better balance and it’s easier to turn. I know at first beginner snowboarders may not want get more speed but with it turning takes less muscle effort. Your front foot will start your turn and then your back foot will follow. Remember it’s not all at once. I’ve given you drills to practice if you’ve signed up for FFR Snowboard Course. You can start getting the snowboard down the fall line and then across to get some speed and then slow down making J shape turns. Try to steer the snowboard going right foot forward or Goofy stance and then left foot forward or Regular stance. It will probably be easier to do this on your heelside edge but try to do it on your toeside edge also.

You will usually be on a Snowboard Training Hill area that is flat with a surface lift like a conveyor belt. If you’re out hiking away from the resort you’ll be wanting to learning on similar terrain. You do a lot of work with just one foot in before strapping in the second foot. When you feel comfortable controlling your snowboard hike up something a little steeper. You might need to leave your beginner area and find something a little steeper. Skiers can practice on the flat stuff and be fine to go right to the lift. Snowboarders should hike up a little bit and practice two feet in before going all the way up the lift. The area you’re at might be a small short lift and you can get away with that. Going to the lift is usually steeper terrain than what you’ve been practicing on. My advice is to hike up a bit and then put in two feet and see if you can still stop and steer. If you’re not then go back to the flat area and practice more with one foot in. A big tip is to let the board get flat and make small movements to steer the snowboard. Keep your core over your snowboard by staying balanced and not flailing your body all over the place.

Once you’re at this level you’re actually starting to snowboard a develop some muscle memory. The first few days can be hard on your body. I do recommend impact shorts and pads incase you have a hard fall. There are some Pros & Cons To Padding that I go over in this video. You can practice efficiently with Snowboardclass/FlowingFreeride’s techniques so go back to earlier snowboard videos that teach you about kids and beginner movements. You can signup to get access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark contact me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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Snowboard Responsibility Code #6 Obey All Signs

This online snowboard lesson will go over the Snowboarder Responsibility Code #6 Obey All Signs. I know that some of the rules of the mountain are pretty obvious but people do stupid stuff. If there are ropes and signs saying something is closed there’s a reason. Sometimes you dropping a rope puts others lives in danger causing an avalanche to trigger and come inbounds. In some resorts they won’t come rescue you if you go in out of bounds areas. That’s something to keep in mind if you decide not to follow the rules. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you signup that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for Beginner Snowboard Skills & Drills on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos;  Snowboard Responsibility Code #1, Snowboard Responsibility Code #2, Snowboard Responsibility Code #3, Snowboard Responsibility Code #4, Snowboard Responsibility Code # 5, Snowboard Responsibility Code #7, Beginner Snowboard Lesson on Steering, Toeside Heelside Stance, Learn How To Ride The Lifts Safely, How to Snowboard: Balance Twist & Beginner Snowboard Stance. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com, Take Placement Quiz, take a look at Our Blog for more free content, and learn to snowboard right!

I know it’s tempting to jump a rope when you see a perfect powder field on the other side. Those ropes are there to keep everyone safe. Use the gates to enter the backcountry or side country. Ski Patrol has gone through and made sure conditions are safe. It might look great on top but underneath there’s rock and other obstacles. There might be machines on the trail or wildlife. I like to hike and rip powder but I want to return home safe and able to snowboard another day. The big thing to signs is staying out of closed areas. You might duck a rope and land on another trail or end up at the bottom of a huge kicker in the park. It’s not smart and it’s not safe to jump over ropes or duck under them to go into closed areas.

The other signs out here on the mountain are for safety. Look up the trail when you see trail merging signs and really be careful in the slow areas. There’s a joke amongst us snowboarders that we say if snowboarding was invented first all the slow signs would say speed up. Slow signs are at the bottom or in flatter areas and ironically we need to keep our speed to get through the flats. I like to take trails that avoid these areas if possible or ones with the least amount of traffic. Let’s face it we need our speed. When we see these signs try to take paths that are safe and to stay in control at a safe speed. I always look at my terrain and pick a line where I’m higher up on the mountain. You need to have some basic skills on how to survey the terrain to pick the best line that avoids the flats.

If you’re a beginner try to avoid crowded slow areas and know bamboo rope fences are closed areas. Bouncing and jumping on the lift can damage it and endanger other passengers. Other signs exist and depending where you are in the world you’ll want to have some understanding of their language and what warning signs are. In Europe Blue trails are equivalent to Green trails or easy in America, Red equals Blue or Intermediate and Black Trails are still Difficult. There were other things that differed from the US but I researched and talked to locals about safety signs and topics to think safety first. You can practice efficiently with Snowboardclass/FlowingFreeride’s techniques so go back to earlier snowboard videos that teach you about kids and beginner movements. You can signup to get access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark contact me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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Snowboarding Teaching Tips For Little Kids

This online snowboard lesson will go over Snowboard Tutorial For Teaching Kids. I’m going to let Dante give you some tips that he’s learned from Flowing Freeride’s Techniques. I have another video about Teaching Kids To Snowboard on our FFR YouTube Channel. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you signup that cover every step and feedback from your coach. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Beginner Snowboard Lesson on Steering, Toeside Heelside Stance, Learn How To Ride The Lifts Safely, How to Snowboard: Balance Twist,Beginner Snowboard Stance, Snowboard Freestyle Boards, What To Wear Snowboarding, Demo Boards, Snowboard Camber, Freeride Boards, Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, & How To Size Your Snowboard Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com, Take Placement Quiz, take a look at Our Blog for more free content, and learn to snowboard right!

One big tip for teaching kids is to stay near shelter, food, bathrooms, water and near transport. They wear out especially at young ages. If you’re teaching your kids to snowboard then you’re probably a decent rider and you want to share your love and passion of the snowsport. Be patient and make things fun. Let the child think they knew the answer by giving them clues to what you want done. Guide them towards the correct stance, body movements and position. Make things into games and competition. You might know the kids personality and play off that to your advantage. Get down to their level and when they’re doing well let them go on their own for a bit so they can learn by just doing it. Get them to go as much as they can when they’re happy. Don’t take a break when they want to snowboard. Believe me they will want to take many breaks so if they’re doing well don’t stop them. When they do want to stop make the time in the lodge fun. If all they can remember is a good time then they’ll want to come up again and again. As soon as they want to get off the snow do it. Sometimes they just like to ride on the gondola or play in the snow or make snow angels. Whatever the activity is in the snow that they like do it. Spending time together as a family on the snow will create awesome memories and the kids will want to keep coming up.

What if they don’t want to go snowboarding? It’s a good idea to have another adult with you so the kids can see one adult snowboarding while the other helps. You can also take ride breaks while one teaches the other gets to snowboard. Let’s face it we’re up on the mountain to snowboard and when a child doesn’t want to go then it’s nice to have some adult time of your own. Be patient and know every child is different with their own personality. My first son loved snowboarding right away the first time we went up we were snowboarding for a few hours. Dante is ripping now at age 8 and going down black runs with me. My youngest wasn’t having it and threw tantrums but the last two times this season were great. The last day was on Easter and there were eggs all over. He found an egg that had a toy in it. I told him that it was magic kind of like the feather in Dumbo and it gave him snowboarding power. He totally dug on that and did the best he’s ever done. We did six runs in a row, took a break and then did two more. I was lucky if I got two the whole day.

Make everything a game and guide them to play and skills will follow. Rule #1 In Snowboarding Is Have Fun! Make sure you bring snacks and treats so they remember how fun it is and take lots of breaks so they stay warm and energized. Don’t do a ton of talking do a lot of snowboarding and demos. Kids development differs from adults so spread their stance out a little wider and make your teaching info easy. You can practice efficiently with Snowboardclass/FlowingFreeride’s techniques so go back to earlier snowboard videos that teach you about kids and beginner movements. You can signup to get access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark contact me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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Snowboard Lesson On Binding Types

This online snowboard lesson will go over Free Snowboard Tips On Binding Types. When you’re ready to take your riding to the next level get your own custom bindings.  There are many types of bindings but the most common binding is two straps that ratchet tighter. There are some systems where you step-in or Burton’s New System You Step On to your bindindings. The rear entry system has been made popular by Flow. There are different advantages and cons to the bindings so let’s take a look at some snowboard binding systems. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you signup that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to educate you on  Snowboard Equipment on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Snowboard Freestyle Boards, What To Wear Snowboarding, Demo Boards, Snowboard Camber, Freeride Boards, Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, & How To Size Your Snowboard Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com, Take Placement Quiz, take a look at Our Blog for more free content, and learn to snowboard right!

The big benefits to step-ins or step-ons is the quickness of getting in and out of your bindings. If you’ve ever been out riding with skiers they get off the lift and go. Snowboarders have to take time and strap in. Quickly step your foot in and pull the lever or it clicks in. It saves time and you don’t have to bend over as much. If you range of movement doesn’t allow you to bend over very well these step-in bindings save time and energy. A guy I work with teaches and only has one arm, he uses the Flow system to get him in and out with just one arm. I’ve demoed all types of bindings and really liked the Flow system. When I worked in Ski Patrol I was required to have a step-in system so I could get in and out of my bindings fast so I could work setting up poles, signs and ropes. The Flow Rear Entry Snowboard Binding System is what I used. The binding is compatible with any snowboard boot. The first step-ins required you have the boot and binding. The boots wore out quickly and the system would jam a lot. It was a good idea but had flaws and inefficiencies. Flow made adjustments to it’s rear entry system and has remained one of the best step-in bindings. It has a lot of positive uses. Flow is a great name and having good flow and rhythm is why I chose the name Flowing Freeride for my Online Snowboard School, it’s a big part of good snowboarding. Gatorade Flow has come out as well because basketball is all about flow, rhythm, running downhill, momentum & pace and that’s where the saying comes from “he’s on fire!”

There are many pros to step-in systems so why don’t more snowboarders ride on step-in bindings? The two strap ratchet system is more reliable and is very unlikely to fail. Even if the system brakes you’re still able to get down the mountain and it’s easy to fix. After riding my Flow bindings for a few years the high back broke when I was out on the mountain. I’m pretty sure it was the low clearance when getting on the lift or maybe something else. Always fold your high backs down when getting on the lift because they can break. When my high back broke it was still held together enough to get me down the mountain. Most times when things break on step-in bindings you’re walking down the mountain. You usually can get down the mountain if one of straps breaks with the two strap system. A broken binding can really put a damper on your day. My personal experience was a scary one. I had just bought some new Flow bindings and I was going very fast around a trail with some bumps on it. The binding failed and the rear entry opened while I was going 40 mph. My back foot came out of the binding and I flipped out of control down into a valley out of bounds. Luckily it was full of powder and I was unharmed. I took them back and like the two strap system.

I rode the Burton Step On Bindings this year at the 2018 Rider Rally. A bunch of AASI Instructors get together to share new ideas, concepts, movements, skills, drills and progressions to further improve your snowboard style. I like how Burton is using new technology. The binding had a lot of pros similar to the Flow system. The fall back was I had to have that snowboard boot and I was riding boots a bit too small, so I couldn’t wear my boot. Once I was in I was locked in. I found it a little bit difficult to get locked in everytime and sometimes had to do a good heelside turn to click and lock in. While riding the bindings felt real secure and safe. They were responsive to my movements. It was great that the guys at Burton came out and let us demo their bindings, boots and boards. They’re making tweaks every year to this system to make it better. I snowboarded all day on my Custom Wide 158 Regular Camber Twin Tip Burton Snowboard and really liked the speed and flex of the board. The bindings have a slot to slide your snowboard pants to prevent jamming but on my very last run I couldn’t get out of binding. My pants had jammed into the locking mechanism of the bindings. Luckily I was down at the bottom where the Burton Tent was. I was rescued by the tech taking the binding off with a screwdriver. I applaud these Snowboard Companies for pushing snowboard technologies and hope to see more new ideas next season.

If you get an old setup somewhere like at a pawn shop or yard sale try to get bindings that are two straps since the older technologies aren’t as safe. Snowboarding is expensive but there are ways to get hooked up. I talk about demo days. Do a little research, I talk about this in the snowboard tutorial Learn Demo Snowboards, and find free demo days at snowboard resorts near you. It’s a good idea to take a lesson and watch FFR’s videos to prepare you. You can practice efficiently with Snowboardclass/FlowingFreeride’s techniques so go back to earlier snowboard videos that teach you about equipment and movements. You can signup to get access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark contact me if you want to book a lesson through my local resort or have any questions about Snowboarding.


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Backcountry Advance Snowboard Lesson

This online snowboard lesson will go over Free Snowboard Tips On Backcountry. Other Snowboard Videos on YouTube & Flowing Freeride go over backcountry tips and preparation. Conditions vary depending on the area you’re going out into the backcountry. There will mostly be lots of powder in the backcountry and you can practice backcountry conditions by going off the groomers and riding crud, bumps and powder inbounds at the snowboard resort. Riding deep fresh powder is very similar to surfing the mountain. Our snowboards are wide and have a lot of surface area that allows us to float on the snow. Skiers have adapted snowboard technology and have made powder skis that are much wider than normal skis. The thrill and adrenaline rush from ripping a fresh powder field is something that is astounding and a feeling that can’t be matched! You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you signup that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for Advance Powder and Heli Boarding on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Advance Snowboard Lesson: Dropping Cliffs, Snowboarding Off Piste, Snowboarding Chutes, Snowboard Lesson Navigating Trees & Obstacles, Active Passive Absorption, Upper/Lower Body Separation, Basic Carving: Circle Drills, Basics For Freestyle Features, Advance Snowboard Carving: Surfer Turns & Grab Carves, Funnel Turns For Navigating Obstacles, Snowboard Jibbing & Snowboarding Moguls Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com, Take Placement Quiz, take a look at Our Blog for more free content, and learn to snowboard right!

Some tips for powder riding are to keep your nose up and your weight back. I set my bindings back so I have a longer nose when I’m riding deep powder. I still steer with my front foot but my back leg is doing a lot of work. Speed is a big part of riding powder, you need to keep enough speed and stay on steeper slopes when you’re in deep powder so you don’t sink, crash or get stuck. I like to keep my snowboard a little bit more flat in powder. When you lift your edge up too high the edge digs in causing you to lose balance and throw your rhythm off. That’s all it takes to make things go wrong in powder conditions. Stay stacked over your snowboard and what I mean by that is keep your center of mass over the snowboard. If you’re using body movements that aren’t efficient it will be hard to ride powder because there’s more snow to push. It’s usually making the toeside turn. People try to turn the snowboard by counter rotating, chucking their meat, and steering with their upper body. I progress my students through proper body movements and it’s easy to see when snowboarders aren’t using the best movements. You can send footage of your snowboarding to Virtual Pro and I can go over the timing, intensity, duration, edit and add voice over of your movements to improve your riding. Virtual Pro Example. Once you get comfortable keeping you balance start going to steeper terrain and do whatever you want.

I like to call powder conditions “Hero Snow” because you have tons of confidence with soft snow. You can do almost anything with smaller consequences. It’s like jumping into a foam pit. I like to got out in the the backcountry and build huge kickers and jumps. You can shoot out and do big grabs, flips, spins and get huge air and land in soft powder pillows. I lived on Donner Summit near Truckee, CA at Donner Ski Ranch and there’s some awesome places to build jumps in the backcountry. The old stagecoach trail is still there and we’d hike out along that and build kickers on it because it was perfect terrain. It’s steep, flat and then steep making building jumps easy. If you know a place that has a road cut into a mountain that can be a great place to build your kickers. A lot of roads are closed during the winter and aren’t plowed so find some terrain like that if you’re wanting to get your Big Air on. Take caution and scope out the landing. There needs to be plenty of snow. There are obstacles under the snow. Landing on snow is soft so make sure it’s snow and not rocks. In all my freestyle snowboard videos I always say to look before you leap so you can enjoy snowboarding for the rest of your life.

Jumping into deep powder is awe-inspiring and shredding the pow is awesome! I build up my students confidence in powder by taking them down trails that are groomed and have powder on the sides. I tell them to keep their speed and carry that speed into the powder and make just one turn so they can get back on the groomer. If they don’t do well they’re close to the groomed trail and can get out of the powder. Powder get chewed up as people rip through it and that makes it bumpy. If you surf, water ski or wakeboard you know how great it is when the water is glass. It’s easy to turn, the water is soft and the conditions are perfect. When the wind picks up or other boats create waves the water is bumpy similar to when the snow gets chewed. You need to be able to absorb these bumps and when you can you’re a Ripper! The powder will spray and you’ll get face shots. I was in  Ripping Kitzbühel, Austria last year and was getting face shots every turn. It was amazing powder conditions and the people there were great! I stayed inbounds and got tons of powder.

When I go out in the backcountry I take safety seriously. You need to have a beacon, probe, shovel and you should have a buddy. There is a lot to know about going into the backcountry. You need to have some basic skills on how to survey the terrain. Slopes that are over 30º can slide and create avalanches. I go over avalanche safety and teamed up with the Utah Avalanche Center to create a video on Snowboard Avalanche Safety 5 Red Flags. It’s a good idea to take a class and watch FFR’s videos to prepare you. You can practice efficiently with Snowboardclass/FlowingFreeride’s techniques so go back to earlier snowboard videos that teach Steering, Balance, Stance and Body Alignments. You can signup to get access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark contact me if you want to book a lesson through my local resort or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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Advance Online Snowboard Lesson: Heli Boarding

This online snowboard lesson will go over Snowboard Tutorial On Heli Boarding. You don’t need to be the best snowboarder to go out Heli Boarding. You do however want to be able to snowboard in powder pretty well. Practice riding in powder by hiking or getting up to the resort early on a powder day. Riding powder is a lot like riding on water. You can dig your tail in to slow you down. You still use the same movements like steering with you front foot but fresh light powder is Superman snow where you can do almost anything. I know there have been many times that I’ve chased the storms for the epic powder conditions. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you signup that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for Advance Powder and Heli Boarding on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Active Passive Absorption, Upper/Lower Body Separation, Basic Carving: Circle Drills, Basics For Freestyle Features, Advance Snowboard Carving: Surfer Turns & Grab Carves, Funnel Turns For Navigating Obstacles, Snowboard Jibbing & Snowboarding Moguls Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com, Take Placement Quiz, take a look at Our Blog for more free content, and learn to snowboard right!

The skills you’ll want to have when thinking about Heli Boarding is to be able to ride steep and deep terrain. Steep slopes with deep powder. Resorts will usually have areas to hike. I like to hike inbounds meaning they avalanche patrol but you have to hike to get to that terrain. If you start hiking out of bounds take an avalanche course or look back at some of FFR’s Avalanche & Resort Safety to know what to take with you and what to know in the backcountry. There are skills and body movements you’ll want to be proficient and solid with but also knowledge of slope aspects, snow conditions, slope angles, safety and survival.

The price to go Heli Boarding provides a guide. They’ll take the group out, find the best snow for your ability and keep you safe. Taking a snowboard lesson is like hiring a guide. Folks get to the intermediate level and don’t excel because they don’t have someone there to guide them to the next level. I’ve talked about deep practice or efficient practice and that’s what these snowboard videos are here to do if you can’t hire a coach. If you’re able to afford Heli Boarding then you should take a higher level snowboard lesson every so often to improve your technique and skill efficiency. Some snowboard tips to ride powder is keep your nose up so you don’t dig in, keep your board flatter to make turns so your edge doesn’t dig in, and pump through the powder to keep speed in flatter terrain. You’ll need to be comfortable with speed and have good balance.

Be aware of wild animals because they can charge and be aggressive. When you’re out in numbers usually that extra noise will frighten them off. You don’t want to stop in a avalanche zone or where there are steep slopes around you. Snowmobiles can make the snow icy under the powder. Try to avoid snowmobile tracks or riding lightly over them by unweighting your board. Heli Boarding was one of the best days that I have ever had and if you love snowboarding it’s an experience you should have! You can practice efficiently with  Snowboardclass/FlowingFreeride’s techniques so go back to earlier snowboard videos that teach Backcountry, Steep & Deep Terrain, Moguls & Off Piste Terrain. You can signup to get access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark contact me if you want to book a lesson through my local resort or have any questions about Snowboarding.


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Advanced Snowboard Lesson: Dropping Cliffs

This online snowboard lesson will go over Advance Snowboard Lesson: Dropping Cliffs. When you’re confident enough in your riding to start jumping and hitting cliffs you’ll want to be able to enjoy the adrenaline rush for your whole life. It’s key to scout out your landing and takeoff. There needs to be enough snow to cover the rocks, scouting is the most important thing when hitting cliffs. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you signup that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for Advance Cliff Drops on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Active Passive Absorption, Upper/Lower Body Separation, Basic Carving: Circle Drills, Basics For Freestyle Features, Advance Snowboard Carving: Surfer Turns & Grab Carves, Funnel Turns For Navigating Obstacles, Snowboard Jibbing & Snowboarding Moguls Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com, Take Placement Quiz, take a look at Our Blog for more free content, and learn to snowboard right!


Getting air is an awesome feeling. Review other snowboard videos and articles on how to get air and you’ll know that Speed is key and hesitation kills. To prep for cliff drops start pointing your snowboard straight and get a ton of speed. Getting comfortable with speed will launch you off your jumps. Progress up towards bigger and bigger terrain features. There has been many times that I’ve seen riders hesitate or not carry enough speed into the jump or cliff drops and the outcome has been grinding on the rocks and hard crashes. Have good efficient practice by not trying to do too much. If you’re just starting to get speed and little jumps you wouldn’t want to go huck yourself off a ten foot cliff drop. You build up to it. If you’re practicing getting speed going straight for 30 meters you should be getting that goal 80-90% of the time. When you get tired of doing that specific skill go have fun snowboarding your own style. Develop deep efficient practice by choosing skills that are within your ability but you haven’t mastered. This is how you’re going to develop into a better Ripper. Go out and practice getting comfort with speed and carry that speed off jumps.

You’ll get better with speed and to keep speed you’ll want to keep you body alignment straight. When you board leaves the snow if your upper body turn so will your lower body and you want the snowboard to land parallel with the fall line. Keep your upper and lower body aligned with the fall line. Let the tail touch first and then the nose with a flat board and not on it’s edge. It’s good practice to start grabbing your snowboard when you get a few feet of air. Keep the nose up and grab the nose or the toeside edge for your first few grabs. Grabbing the tail points the nose down and it’s not wise to land nose first so keep your tip up. Practice getting lots of speed then ollie moving for and aft on the board creating pop and also jumping. When you start dropping cliffs you’ll need that speed, pop and air to get over the rocks. Pull your legs up while in you’re up in the air and extend them down on your landing to absorb. It’s best to hit cliffs with tons of fresh powder for softer landings.

Develop your snowboard skills up so your fast and comfortable getting air. When we get some super stoked powder it can make you become a superhero! The adrenaline you get from hitting cliffs is an amazing rush and you’ll have bragging rights. “Practice doesn’t make perfect perfect practice makes perfect” so build your skills up with perfect practice. You can practice efficiently with  Snowboardclass/FlowingFreeride’s techniques so go back to earlier snowboard videos that teach Speed, Jumps and Big Air so you drop cliffs safely. You can signup to get access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark contact me if you want to book a lesson through my local resort or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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Learn To Snowboard Trees & Steep Obstacles

This online snowboard lesson will go over Snowboarding Trees, Gates & Steep Obstacles. Navigating through trees and obstacles can be a great reward to get into premo terrain. You should practice turning through trees on an open trail and putting down little like pieces of candy or a bunch of pennies or even your clothes like gloves. Setup a little course or go into the Nastar course if your resort has one. Running a course with gates will really help you get into a rhythm of when to turn. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you signup that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for Advance Snowboard Carving on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Active Passive Absorption, Upper/Lower Body Separation, Basic Carving: Circle Drills, Basics For Freestyle Features, Advance Snowboard Carving: Surfer Turns & Grab Carves, Funnel Turns For Navigating Obstacles, & Snowboarding Moguls Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com, Take Placement Quiz, take a look at Our Blog for more free content, and learn to snowboard right!

Be able to ride well through obstacles will get you into terrain that not a lot of people go into so the snow stays fresh and better longer. If you get real good you can start competing in races like slalom and giant slalom where there are gates setup. The big key is to start your turn several feet above the obstacle. If I start my turn near the obstacle I will pass it and might have to avoid another tree or gate. You want to make your turn early and to be perpendicular with the fall line as you pass the tree so you’re ready to dodge the next set of obstacles. In steeper terrain you don’t want to make the mistake of turning late and then it’s too late to make any adjustments. Turning early and going across the fall line allows you also to turn up the mountain so you can find a better powder lines!

I like to say turn 8-10 feet before the objects that are in the way of your line. Find out what resorts host a Nastar course or any type of race course. The thing is though with most course they are setup for skiers with tall poles. Snowboarder race courses are setup with a short pole and then a long one. This is so we don’t get smacked in the face on our toeside turns. When I’m on skier gates I punch the gate when I’m doing my toeside turns. Be safe and where a helmet when entering gates, trees or terrain with lots of obstacles. We turn faster by using Snowboardclass/FlowingFreeride’s techniques so go back to earlier snowboard videos that teach turning, steering and rhythm if you’re having problems getting through trees. You can signup to get access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark contact me if you want to book a lesson through my local resort or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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Advance Snowboard Carving Surfer Turns & Grab Carves

This online snowboard lesson will go over Advance Snowboard Carving: Surfer Turns & Grab Carves. Surfer Turns can really lock you into your carves. When you watch Advance Surfers ride waves they grab their board with one hand and touch the wave wall with the other. I came up with Surfer Turns after I started grabbing my snowboard while riding. This is Advance Carving and you should go back and watch Basic Carving: Circle Drills and have that down before attempting Surfer Turns. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you signup that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for Advance Snowboard Carving on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Active Passive Absorption, Upper/Lower Body Separation, Basic Carving: Circle Drills, Basics For Freestyle Features & Snowboarding Moguls Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com, Take FFR Placement Quiz, take a look at Our Blog for more free content, and learn to snowboard right!

Carving terrain should be nice and groomed with wide open trails. Be sure to Look Uphill to see if there’s traffic from other snowboarders and skiers coming down. Carving is when you’re using your sidecut and eliminate the pivot/rotation movement in your snowboard and body. You’re balanced on your edge with no skid. Carving can make you such a better and efficient rider. Grabbing your board makes you more solid. When watching freestyle you’ll notice that riders grab their snowboards for style points but also it keeps them solid and in balance. Surfer Turns and Grab Carves start to get you bending and flexing to have better flow and rhythm. It’s safer to grab while your on the ground and then you can progress up to grabs while in the air. This drill helps with your carving and speed but also with your freestyle. It looks pretty cool and helps your personal snowboard style.

When we start carving we’re following the same path, our front foot follows the same path as our back foot, the tail follows the nose. I’ve given some drills like the Circle Turns to help you start carving but now we’re moving past L2 Rider and accelerating up two L3 ripper. We want to do carve turns while we’re grabbing our board! Really the only couple grabs that you can do the whole time on toe and heel switching edges without smashing your fingers is either a nose or a tail grab. We can start out by just doing some turns that don’t have to be carves yet but trying to make some turns while you’re trying to grab your board. Reach down try to grab your tail, try to grab your nose, try to grab your toeside edge or your heelside edge. You’ll know that if you’re making S-turns you can only grab your nose or your tail. I know that’s yoga really helps out if you’re not being able to flex down and grab your board maybe get out and do some stretching and do some yoga before you’re attempting to do these grabs. After you’re getting a little bit more flexible there attempt grabs. The big key is being flexible you need to be able to reach down and grab the board. Take a run and do some do some turns where you’re grabbing your board, that’s the first thing you want to do. Take a run and try to try to make turns while you’re grabbing your board.

After grab turns get back into flowing carves. You’ll want to go warm up by taking a run where you’re carving on every turn. Get into that flow of ripping carves down the mountain. After you’re feeling good start to reach down and grab your snowboard while you’re carving. Do the heelside and toeside first and then nose and tail. Progress into multiple grabs and start adding some style by putting your hand in the air or in the snow while grabbing your snowboard. Lock in your carve at the end of your turn by pulling up your edge with your hand. Once you’ve got that start to grab your snowboard right as you transition edges or at the beginning of your turn and see how long you can Rip Surfer Turns and Grab Carves. when I’m doing a toeside turn I have to really reach around and grab that heelside edge it’s a little bit more difficult then grabbing your heelside but it really looks like you’re surfing!

Practicing Surfer Turns helps to develop flexible body movements for Alpine Riders but also Freestyle Riders. Being able to reach down and grab your board is a big part of moving from L2 Rider to L3 Ripper. It may take a while to get this down. Remember it’s all about flexibility so if you’re have difficulties grabbing your board do some yoga and workout at the gym. Hope to see you out on the slopes ripping Surfer Turns & Grab Carves! You can signup to get access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark contact me if you have any questions about Snowboarding.

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Snowboard Dolphin Turns

This online snowboard lesson will go over Advance Snowboard Lesson: Dolphin Turns. Dolphin Turns can really help you develop fore aft movements on your snowboard. Developing these movements will really help you improve in skill in all parts of your riding. If you’ve got this down you’re moving dynamically with good rhythm. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you signup that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for ‘Snowboarding Backcountry’ on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Active Passive Absorption, Upper/Lower Body Separation, Basics For Freestyle Features & Snowboarding Moguls Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com, Take Placement Quiz, take a look at Our Blog for more free content, and learn to Snowboard Right!

Building up to Dolphin Turns takes some time. It’s a progression that may take you one run or all season to master. You’re using the board efficiently. The snowboard has camber and shape to it. The sidecut is the edge radius shape, usually 8-10 Meters in radius. Camber is the shape of the board from tail to tip. Depending on the type of camber (regular, hybrid, reverse) when you move fore and aft on your snowboard you can pop off the nose and tail creating ollies and nollies. It’s super fun once you’re timing is down. It leads into riding the whole mountain better. In freestyle it opens the door to pop off terrain features or on flat trails you pop more to start spinning. In Freeride you’ll be able to move fore aft to absorb moguls and bumps that get you to Powder Fields and you cruise down the mountain faster. In Alpine riding you’ll be able to pop from edge to edge quicker to really help with the racecourse to improve speed and skill.

Start by making turns putting all your weight on your nose and then your tail. Feel the snowboard with your each leg by flexing one and extending the other so that they’re not doing the same thing. Think of them as independent. The snowboard should start coming off of the snow. Next you’ll start lifting the nose and tail off the snow down the fall line and then across it. You’re not making turns here you’re just balancing on your front foot and then back. You should be feeling the board bending. Now start to lift your front foot off the snow as you makes turns and then your back foot.  Lift your front leg off the snow then your back leg. It’s an active movement that takes strength and good balance. See how high you can get the snowboard off the snow and to really bend it. When you get to the apex pop of your tail by extending your back leg. This will get the board to be straight again. Another way to think about it is the snowboard is a spring and when you pull it back it builds up power and when you let go it will come back with lots of force. This is what I’m trying to get you to feel in your snowboard by attempting these Dolphin Turns.

We’re bending the board like a bow and arrow. When you pull the bow back it bends and when you let go of the string it pops and shoot the arrow at high speeds and long distances. We’re bending our snowboard like a bow, creating that energy when we pop of the nose or tail. We need to finish our movement by popping off the tail and landing on the nose which is a ollie or pop off nose and land on tail nollie. Ollies and nollies is when we are moving fore aft and we are popping off our boards! Now ollie down the fall line and then across it on both toeside and heelside edges. Now put those movements, intensity and timing into your turns. You’re fore at the beginning of your turn and aft at the end. You’re turns should be symmetrical or the same shape on both heelside and toeside. It will happen naturally if you’re using the right efficient movements that you’ll start to pop to your new edge or at the transition of your turn. Soon you’ll be developing good rhythm to pop from edge to edge Ripping Dolphin Turns!

Dolphin turns are fun to do and a good workout. These types of movements are required of snowboarders to be AASI Level 3 Full Certified. Practicing Dolphin Turns helped me develop efficient body movements to get my AASI L3 in Snowboarding. Moving fore and aft on your snowboard opens the door to so many options in your riding style. Get out on the slopes and rip it up doing Dolphin Turns! You can signup to get access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, text books, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right!