Snowboarding Teaching Tips For Little Kids

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This online snowboard lesson will go over Snowboard Tutorial For Teaching Kids. I’m going to let Dante give you some tips that he’s learned from Flowing Freeride’s Techniques. I have another video about Teaching Kids To Snowboard on our FFR YouTube Channel. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you signup that cover every step and feedback from your coach. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Beginner Snowboard Lesson on Steering, Toeside Heelside Stance, Learn How To Ride The Lifts Safely, How to Snowboard: Balance Twist,Beginner Snowboard Stance, Snowboard Freestyle Boards, What To Wear Snowboarding, Demo Boards, Snowboard Camber, Freeride Boards, Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, & How To Size Your Snowboard Learn to snowboard online with, Take Placement Quiz, take a look at Our Blog for more free content, and learn to snowboard right!

One big tip for teaching kids is to stay near shelter, food, bathrooms, water and near transport. They wear out especially at young ages. If you’re teaching your kids to snowboard then you’re probably a decent rider and you want to share your love and passion of the snowsport. Be patient and make things fun. Let the child think they knew the answer by giving them clues to what you want done. Guide them towards the correct stance, body movements and position. Make things into games and competition. You might know the kids personality and play off that to your advantage. Get down to their level and when they’re doing well let them go on their own for a bit so they can learn by just doing it. Get them to go as much as they can when they’re happy. Don’t take a break when they want to snowboard. Believe me they will want to take many breaks so if they’re doing well don’t stop them. When they do want to stop make the time in the lodge fun. If all they can remember is a good time then they’ll want to come up again and again. As soon as they want to get off the snow do it. Sometimes they just like to ride on the gondola or play in the snow or make snow angels. Whatever the activity is in the snow that they like do it. Spending time together as a family on the snow will create awesome memories and the kids will want to keep coming up.

What if they don’t want to go snowboarding? It’s a good idea to have another adult with you so the kids can see one adult snowboarding while the other helps. You can also take ride breaks while one teaches the other gets to snowboard. Let’s face it we’re up on the mountain to snowboard and when a child doesn’t want to go then it’s nice to have some adult time of your own. Be patient and know every child is different with their own personality. My first son loved snowboarding right away the first time we went up we were snowboarding for a few hours. Dante is ripping now at age 8 and going down black runs with me. My youngest wasn’t having it and threw tantrums but the last two times this season were great. The last day was on Easter and there were eggs all over. He found an egg that had a toy in it. I told him that it was magic kind of like the feather in Dumbo and it gave him snowboarding power. He totally dug on that and did the best he’s ever done. We did six runs in a row, took a break and then did two more. I was lucky if I got two the whole day.

Make everything a game and guide them to play and skills will follow. Rule #1 In Snowboarding Is Have Fun! Make sure you bring snacks and treats so they remember how fun it is and take lots of breaks so they stay warm and energized. Don’t do a ton of talking do a lot of snowboarding and demos. Kids development differs from adults so spread their stance out a little wider and make your teaching info easy. You can practice efficiently with Snowboardclass/FlowingFreeride’s techniques so go back to earlier snowboard videos that teach you about kids and beginner movements. You can signup to get access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark contact me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.