Tag Archives: snowboarding

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Learn How To Develop Rhythm By Setting Up A Race Course

Snowboarding is an action sport that relies on timing so Develop Rhythm With A Race Course. This will help you to snowboard moguls with flow and to rip through glades with confidence. Follow us by subscribing on YouTube to get all our new videos & tips. Flowing Freeride will teach how to pick the right snowboard gear best for you and drills to improve your skills. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you sign up that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for snowboard safety on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Snowboard Bumpy Terrain, Snake Course, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Advance Snowboard Lesson: Dropping Cliffs, Snowboarding Off Piste, Snowboarding Chutes, Snowboard Lesson Navigating Trees & Obstacles, Active Passive Absorption, Funnel Turns For Navigating Obstacles & Snowboarding Moguls.

Grab dead tree branches and I place them in the snow placing them in the snow staggering left and right to make an “S” turn shape. I don’t want to go straight down the fall line. The more you turn in the same spot you create an actual berm the snow gets pushed up and you create a bank slalom! We’re going to turn in the same spot and we’re going to create a bank slalom, a snake course or a bobsled course. This helps improve your snowboarding because when we’re riding in trees, off piste and in moguls there’s a pattern or a rhythm where people turn in the same spot. This is going to help you to develop rhythm. It’s going to help you become a faster, better rider in glades, bumps and off piste conditions. Depending on what you want to practice, place the sticks farther apart and it becomes a giant slalom the closer together it’s more of a slalom course. You want to have a pitch that’s pretty steep. You don’t want your course to be too flat because we’re really practicing on gaining speed and turning quickly. 

I’ve talked about turning above the gate or obstacle in other articles and videos. I want my turn to start early. As I’m coming across the fall line is when I’m going across the gate. That’s what you want to do. You want to turn it eight to ten feet early in front of the gate. We’ll be turning in the same spot and you’re going to start banking up to the snow creating berms. It’s really great to go out and do these courses with a lot of people. This way the course is formed a lot quicker and you’re creating your own freestyle terrain park, banks slaloms, bobsled courses. The berms are great ramps and you can actually start jumping off of those doing your tricks. You can ride them as a bank slalom or a berm and that becomes a nice way to turn. This is going to help you into the bumps too because if you go into the bumps that’s what a bump is. It’s snow being pushed up peeps turning in the same spot. That’s pretty much what bumps are is a bank slalom people turning in the same spot. Skiers turn differently than a snowboarder. 

Sometimes the bumps form differently for a skier than a snowboarder and this drill is great for a skier too if you’re a skier you want to get out here and start doing the same thing because you want to be able to turn quickly as well as a skier. Skiers can practice turning on one ski helping them carve. It also makes them ready to balance on one board or becoming a snowboarder. 

Plan your line by looking ahead. This will help you to predict what the best gravity fall line is. This will make you a more advanced snowboarder. Get Hooked On Snowboarding with Snowboardclass/Flowing Freeride’s techniques by going back to other snowboard videos that teach how to improve your skills, improve your knowledge on equipment, safety, terrain and weather. You can sign up for the full course to gain access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark Contact Me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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How To Put On Burton Bindings Custom EST 2 Screws

This snowboard tutorial gives tips on How To Set Up Burton Bindings Custom EST. I bought these EST Burton Bindings and found out that I can only use them on Burton Boards! I just want to warn peeps of this money making scheme that Burton has created. Follow us by subscribing on YouTube to get all our new videos & tips. Flowing Freeride will teach how to pick the right snowboard gear best for you and drills to improve your skills. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you sign up that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for snowboard safety on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; How To Repair Snowboard Part 2, How To Repair Core Shots, Snowboard Binding Types, Binding Angles, Picking The Right Size of Snowboard, Demo Snowboards, Snowboard Camber Technology, & Sizing Boots & Bindings.

When I first bought this board it didn’t have all the parts I needed. There are unique screws for the bindings and the female parts for the board. I had the bindings for over a year because I couldn’t use them with other boards. I had to go back to the shop to get the female parts for the board. I know this whole process is cumbersome. I had to talk to lots of people and research about how to use the system. I feel like I went to university just to get all the knowledge of how to set up this Burton board and bindings. Hopefully this article saves you time and money if you’re thinking about going Burton. 

I’ve been riding the Custom EST Bindings on a Custom Wide 158. I’ve noticed that I have had to tighten my front binding several times. There are only 2 points of contact for the binding and that makes the screws come loose much quicker. I have noticed when I’m out on the slopes and folks come up to me asking for my screwdriver that they are riding Burton boards. Burton boards originally came with a 3 hole triangle system that made mate sawed off. Why can’t they just use the 4 hole system that everyone else uses? It’s all about the Benjamins! 

Once you have all the unique pieces for this setup it’s easy. You’ll just need a screwdriver. There are markings for width and binding angles. The bindings move toward the toeside edge and heelside edge smoothly. I do like that it is easy to move the bindings. I’ve just seen too many riders have the screws come loose and then the bindings move so they are riding a super wide stance.

Setup of Burton boards and EST Custom binding systems are quick but they come loose. I always carry a screwdriver in case binding screws come loose. I now need to carry glue or nail polish to keep these Burton Bindings tight. Get Hooked On Snowboarding with Snowboardclass/Flowing Freeride’s techniques by going back to other snowboard videos that teach how to improve your skills, improve your knowledge on equipment, safety, terrain and weather. You can sign up for the full course to gain access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark Contact Me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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How To Avoid Stress By Snowboarding

There are so many bad things in this world. You Can Avoid Stress By Snowboarding. It is crazy with all the political things going on in the US. Covid is still going strong and folks are raiding the capitol. Let’s get along and start snowboarding right! Follow us by subscribing on YouTube to get all our new videos & tips. Flowing Freeride will teach how to pick the right snowboard gear best for you and drills to improve your skills. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you sign up that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for snowboard safety on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Snowboard Bumpy Terrain, Snake Course, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Advance Snowboard Lesson: Dropping Cliffs, Snowboarding Off Piste, Snowboarding Chutes, Snowboard Lesson Navigating Trees & Obstacles, Active Passive Absorption, Funnel Turns For Navigating Obstacles & Snowboarding Moguls.

Watching the news lately can be detrimental to your health. President Trump is not letting go. The elections have split our nation especially the verdicts in Georgia. There are ways to lose gracefully and admit defeat. My uncle just got released from the hospital after being in there for 2 months due to Covid-19 complications. That was a positive but total numbers for positive tests and deaths from Corona keep making new records everyday. Many economies are shutting back down. Luckily if you’re in a state like Utah you can still enjoy the outdoors and snowboard. Enjoy little things and take a win by getting on the slopes. 

This last year has been overwhelming. Black lives matter, Corrupt Police, Covid Pandemic,  Karrens, Trump, Republicans and Democrats have all come to a head. People are sick and have lost so much. These are hard times and we will get through it. Myself and many others go to work everyday putting themselves at risk but we have to survive. Some of us can’t work from home and are grateful to have work again. Get out on the slopes while the lifts are still spinning. Who knows what wild things will happen tomorrow with all the loaded guns and mentally unstable peeps. The mountains are calling.

Being on the mountain with brilliant views, fresh powder and clean air makes all the evils of the world take a back seat. There is something serene to be up on snow covered slopes. I have been coaching clients and they’ve been telling me about things in their areas. Some economies are open and going whilst others and closed and quarantine laws are enforced. Find an area that has a functioning economy with snowboard slopes near if you can work remotely. Your production quality will increase dramatically.

One thing I’ve learned in life is that we have a choice to choose. ”If you choose not to decide, you still have made a choice” FreeWill RUSH. You may have voted for Trump, Not For Trump or didn’t vote at all. We are one nation and need to be strong together. Get Hooked On Snowboarding with Snowboardclass/Flowing Freeride’s techniques by going back to other snowboard videos that teach how to improve your skills, improve your knowledge on equipment, safety, terrain and weather. You can sign up for the full course to gain access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark Contact Me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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How To Put Snowboard Boots On Right!

Putting on your boots can be a difficult task for folks new to snowboarding. Learn How To Put Your Snowboard Boots On and Ride Right™! Snowboard boots are much more comfortable than ski boots. If they’re not put on right then it can cause uncomfort and pain. Follow us by subscribing on YouTube to get all our new videos & tips. Flowing Freeride will teach how to pick the right snowboard gear best for you and drills to improve your skills. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you sign up that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for snowboard safety on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; How To Repair Snowboard Part 2, How To Repair Core Shots, Snowboard Binding Types, Binding Angles, Picking The Right Size of Snowboard, Demo Snowboards, Snowboard Camber Technology, & Sizing Boots & Bindings.

I can’t believe how many students show up to my snowboard classes with their boots put on wrong. Part of my job as a coach is to make my students better. Equipment adjustments like putting your snowboard boots on correctly will make your riding improve. Most snowboard boots will come with two tongues. Yeah that sounds like a cow with multiple stomachs but the first tongue should go right against your shin without overlapping. These types of mistakes can cause actual bruising on your leg. In my lessons I will check everyone’s boots right off.

Your socks should be pulled up without wrinkles. The snowboard pants have a snow skirt that goes over the boot. Stuffing it down in, multiple socks or other layers can cause big problems. Other problems are that you use way more movement and energy to get the same result. If your heel is coming up out of your boot on the toeside then something is loose. Little things can make huge differences in your riding. 

The inside laces need to be tight. Most boots will have a locking mechanism that keeps the boot tight. Pull the inside and outside laces tight to make sure you have a snug fit. If you don’t the laces will come loose. A loose boot will make your foot swim in the boot. That can cause and ankle injury. Keep that foot secure in your boot. There is a lot that can be done to make snowboarding have a better flow state to it. Be the best you can be with proper techniques!

Hope you’re staying safe during the holidays and these odd times of Covid-19. It help me and my fellow coaches stay safe if we don’t have to fix your boots. Your snowboarding will be much better with tight boots. Get Hooked On Snowboarding with Snowboardclass/Flowing Freeride’s techniques by going back to other snowboard videos that teach how to improve your skills, improve your knowledge on equipment, safety, terrain and weather. You can sign up for the full course to gain access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark Contact Me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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Learn How To Snowboard Early Conditions With A Rock Board

It is snowboard season with resorts like Wolf Creek, CO opened and others like Keystone, CO that are opening this weekend. Early Conditions Are Rocky so don’t ruin your new equipment. Take out your rock board for these conditions. Follow us by subscribing on YouTube to get all our new videos & tips. Flowing Freeride will teach how to pick the right snowboard gear best for you and drills to improve your skills. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you sign up that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for snowboard safety on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos;  Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Superman Eruo Carves, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Advance Snowboard Lesson: Dropping Cliffs, Snowboarding Off Piste, Snowboarding Chutes, Snowboard Lesson Navigating Trees & Obstacles, Active Passive Absorption, Eruo Surfer Carves, Basics For Freestyle Features, Advance Snowboard Carving: Surfer Turns & Grab Carves, Funnel Turns For Navigating Obstacles & Snowboarding Moguls.

I do like to chase the snow. I’m making plans to head over to Keystone next weekend. Colorado has got some early snow and cold conditions to open up their resorts. Resorts are opening all over Colorado! Finally snowboarding is back in the US! It’s election day today so go vote! Today marks the 5 year mark of how long 2020 has lasted. Two more months and 2020 will be in the past. I know going riding will help to forget how bad things are. I was able to hike Alta, Utah the last couple years as you can see in the Alta Roctober. I have mates in Colorado that are asking me to come ride. With the lack of snow in Utah, Colorado is looking good. 

I love to hike and ride as soon as there’s enough snow. I scout places out so I know what’s underneath the snow. I like hiking/riding Alta (before they open or when they close snowboarders are allowed!) because it has graded ski runs with early man made snow. There are some risks like hidden obstacles under thin snow. Be safe when going out. It’s better to damage your equipment than yourself. Bring equipment that still works and no worries if it hits rocks. It should have functioning metal edges and a decent base. We call this a rock board or rock skis if you swing that way. Wax Your Snowboard that will protect the base and make it faster. Repair Core Shots and big scratches so that water doesn’t seep in and destroy your ride.

You can burn through equipment if you hit rocks. I ride the Rocky Mountains and they are just that, Rocky! Steeper mountains like A-basin, Snowbird/Alta, Telluride, Beaver Creek and of course Jackson Hole need a lot of snow to bury the sharp pointy rocks. I work in repair shops and have seen the most core shots at Jackson Hole, Wyoming. That place is one of my favorite mountains to ride in the world. It’s steep and deep. It can be icy and bullet proof as well. I usually wait until January to get on my new snowboard to avoid damaging it. You can avoid hitting rocks by riding terrain that doesn’t have rocks under it. Scout your terrain in the Summer by hiking or biking. I know what terrain has grass, shrubs, saplings or rocks underneath. 

It didn’t take me long to learn how to Ride Right™! It costs a lot of money to buy a new snowboard. It takes even more money and time if you hurt yourself. There are going to be risks in the early season or late season so take caution. Sometimes there is very little snow covering a huge obstacle. Early powder can deceive and temp you into riding into a boulder field. In late season one day there might be snow there and the next day it’s a big muddy rock patch. If you carry to much speed you can’t stop and you’re riding over all that mud and rocks. It’s going to scratch the base but better your snowboard than you. 

If you really enjoy snowboarding you probably get a new board and keep the old one. Boards love to be waxed and tuned. Take care of your ride and you can keep riding it as your Rock Board! Get Hooked On Snowboarding with Snowboardclass/Flowing Freeride’s techniques by going back to other snowboard videos that teach how to improve your skills, improve your knowledge on equipment, safety, terrain and weather. You can sign up for the full course to gain access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark Contact Me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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Snowboard Lesson: The 3 Main Types Of Riding Styles

You can learn how to snowboard online staying safe during the Covid-19 pandemic. This snowboard tutorial will go over 3 Main Types Of Snowboarding. Knowing what type of snowboarder you are will help you to get the right gear, the right terrain and the right area. Other Snowboard Videos on YouTube & Flowing Freeride teach how to pick the right snowboard gear best for you and drills to improve your skills. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you sign up that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for snowboard safety on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos;  Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Superman Eruo Carves, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Advance Snowboard Lesson: Dropping Cliffs, Snowboarding Off Piste, Snowboarding Chutes, Snowboard Lesson Navigating Trees & Obstacles, Active Passive Absorption, Eruo Surfer Carves, Basics For Freestyle Features, Advance Snowboard Carving: Surfer Turns & Grab Carves, Snowboard Responsibility Code #1, Snowboard Responsibility Code #2, Snowboard Responsibility Code #3, Responsibility Code #4 Look Uphill, Snowboard Responsibility Code # 5, #6 Obey All Signs, Snowboard Responsibility Code #7,Funnel Turns For Navigating Obstacles & Snowboarding Moguls.

Think about what I mean by finding the right gear. If you’re into tricks and jumps then you want a softer flex board that is a little shorter because your style is Freestyle. Softer flex in boots allows you to flex and extend to give you more power for tricks. It’s a twin tip or that it’s meant to be able to go goofy or regular with the same performances. Your camber preference will probably be reversed or hybrid with detuned edges. These board features will be more forgiving. You’ll be able to spin faster with a shorter board. Softer flex will give you more bend to absorb landings. It’s less likely to catch edges with that camber shape and the board likes to butter. Dull edges don’t hook up on rails and boxes. 

Finding the right terrain helps with your style. If you like to carve, turn and go fast then you might get an alpine setup. Alpine setups have sharp angles both towards the nose or front of the snowboard. The snowboard is directional or meant to be ridden one way. Your boots are hard like a skier making it harder to walk around. One main reason I liked snowboarding over skiing was the soft boot. Alpine boards are longer, stiffer and narrow. This allows them to go from edge to edge quickly. Terrain that is wide open, groomed and a bit steeper is perfect if you’re and Alpine rider.

Some resorts are known for their parks and pipes. Some are known for their epic race course and others are known for they’re deep powder. Freeride style is where I came up with the name Flowing Freeride. The Freeride snowboard style is a combination of Freestyle and Alpine snowboarding. You ride everything. You might lean more towards freestyle and have a twin tip board. The side cut starts going back up in the center of the board and the flex is the same. If you ride a lot of powder your stance will be set back so you have a longer nose than tail. The flex is softer at the nose and stiffer at the tail so you float on the pow better. It might be asymmetrical. The board might be wider for more surface area that will also help you float in the powder. I like resorts in Utah, Colorado, California, Wyoming and Montana because they’re Big Mountains with steep terrain and Deep Powder!

The 3 main types of snowboarding are Alpine, Freestyle and Freeride. Depending on what you like will help you get the right equipment. It will help you decide what conditions and trails to ride. You will know what resorts you like to ride. A perfect fit will be like a fairytale with a happy ending! If you want to ride better and learn more snowboard freestyle, freeride or alpine drills, sign up for a lesson with me and use my online school to get you to Ride Right™! Get Hooked On Snowboarding with Snowboardclass/Flowing Freeride’s techniques by going back to other snowboard videos that teach how to improve your skills, improve your knowledge on equipment, safety, terrain and weather. You can sign up for the full course to gain access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark Contact Me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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Learn To Snowboard Safely Responsibility Code #2 Who Has the Right of Way 

There are rules of the mountain that everyone should know. The snowboarder and skier responsibility code is basic common sense and this snowboard video goes over Responsibility Code #2 Who Has the Right of Way. Unfortunately not everyone has common sense and these need to be taught in every lesson. Other Snowboard Videos on YouTube & Flowing Freeride teach how to pick the right snowboard gear best for you and drills to improve your skills. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you sign up that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for snowboard safety on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos;  Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Superman Eruo Carves, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Advance Snowboard Lesson: Dropping Cliffs, Snowboarding Off Piste, Snowboarding Chutes, Snowboard Lesson Navigating Trees & Obstacles, Active Passive Absorption, Eruo Surfer Carves, Basics For Freestyle Features, Advance Snowboard Carving: Surfer Turns & Grab Carves, Snowboard Responsibility Code #1, Snowboard Responsibility Code #2, Snowboard Responsibility Code #3, Responsibility Code #4 Look Uphill, Snowboard Responsibility Code # 5, #6 Obey All Signs, Snowboard Responsibility Code #7, Funnel Turns For Navigating Obstacles & Snowboarding Moguls.

The number one safety code on the mountain is to stay in control. It’s just like when you drive a car you want to always stay in control. The number 2 responsibility code is the person in front of you has the right of way. It seems like most people would know this but it never ceases to amaze me how many people on the mountain don’t know this. When I’m driving on the freeway I give the other car in front of me plenty of space in case they need to stop suddenly. I want to stay safe along with others. The seven rules are posted all over every mountain.

The person in front of you has the right away. I have to tell folks this over and over. Hopefully you know this and avoid collisions. It’s your responsibility to yield to whomever’s in front of you. If someone’s taking up the whole trail and you’re trying to get past them it’s still your responsibility even though they may not be so polite, and they’re taking up the whole run. It’s my responsibility to go around them safely because I’m the uphill rider and I yield to the person in front of me.

Know the code and be a safer rider. If you want to ride better and learn more snowboard safety, sign up for a lesson with me and use my online school to get you to Ride Right™! Get Hooked On Snowboarding with Snowboardclass/Flowing Freeride’s techniques by going back to other snowboard videos that teach how to improve your skills, improve your knowledge on equipment, safety, terrain and weather. You can sign up for the full course to gain access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark Contact Me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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Snowboard Avalanche Resources

This online snowboard lesson will give Safety Tips For Snowboarding Avalanche Conditions. There is nothing better when snowboard conditions are full of deep powder. These conditions provide soft fluffy SuperHero Snow. These conditions make for epic days but all that snow can cause avalanches. I’ll give you some snowboard tips to help you scope out sketchy terrain. Other Snowboard Videos on YouTube & Flowing Freeride teach how to pick the right snowboard gear best for you and drills to improve your skills. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you sign up that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for snowboard safety on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos;  Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Superman Eruo Carves, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Advance Snowboard Lesson: Dropping Cliffs, Snowboarding Off Piste, Snowboarding Chutes, Snowboard Lesson Navigating Trees & Obstacles, Active Passive Absorption, Eruo Surfer Carves, Basics For Freestyle Features, Advance Snowboard Carving: Surfer Turns & Grab Carves, Snowboard Responsibility Code #1, Snowboard Responsibility Code #2, Snowboard Responsibility Code #3, Responsibility Code #4 Look Uphill, Snowboard Responsibility Code # 5, #6 Obey All Signs, Snowboard Responsibility Code #7,Funnel Turns For Navigating Obstacles & Snowboarding Moguls.

It’s September 8, 2020 and I woke up to cold weather and snow covered mountain tops today. This is the first snow of the 2020-21 snowboard season! It’s time to get you boards out and start to tune and wax them. Winter will be here soon. If you’re like me you’ll be wanting to get as soon as there’s enough snow accumulation to ride. I know it’s tempting to go out in the backcountry to get those early freshies. Be cautious because we had several early slides last season that took a few snowboarder’s lives. You need to have some basic skills on how to survey mountain avalanche terrain. Watch this snowboard video 30º Slopes In Backcountry.

Slides occur when there is a layer of Faceted Snow or a weak layer of snow. There is a science to this. If the snow melts or heats up then cools down and freezes it creates a layer of snow that when new snow packs up that layer can fail and slide. There have been many winter sports Olympic athletes that have been caught in avalanches and been killed. A lot of people just don’t know the dangers of being in the backcountry. There is avalanche equipment like airbags, beacons, probes, shovels, snow saws and ropes that can help save lives when used correctly. 

Avalanche awareness is a backcountry essential skill. If I’m traveling somewhere in the snowboard season, I really watch their avalanche reports. This lets me know what the layers are underneath when I get there. Here in the United States we have the Avalanche Center and the National Forest Service that provide avalanche reports that are posted for those areas. It’s a good idea to take a look at those reports especially if you’re going to be traveling to that area. Watch in advance so that you know what the layers are and when you arrive there. I like to build a snow pit and do tests on the layers of snow. It’s a good idea to take an avalanche course. That gives you the knowledge of what snow layers are like. 

If you’re out there and you dig a pit you see a layer of snow at the very bottom, that’s icy the layers on top are probably going to slide. If you’re out in the snow covered mountain and you see failures on the slopes or cracks that means they’re about ready to slide. Stay away from those slopes. It’s a really good idea to actually pay attention to these avalanche reports and the weather reports so that you know what kind of conditions they’re going to be when you get to that resort.

The biggest Red Flag of Avalanches is seeing other avalanches. If you want to ride better and learn more snowboard safety, sign up for a lesson with me and use my online school to get you to Ride Right™! Get Hooked On Snowboarding with Snowboardclass/Flowing Freeride’s techniques by going back to other snowboard videos that teach how to improve your skills, improve your knowledge on equipment, safety, terrain and weather. You can sign up for the full course to gain access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark Contact Me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.


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Snowboard Tips For A Lone Wolf

This online snowboard lesson will give safety Snowboarding Tips For A Lone Wolf. Snowboarding is a sport that you can do solo. Nothing is wrong going out on the mountain by yourself. I’ll give you some snowboard tips that will keep you safe. Other Snowboard Videos on YouTube & Flowing Freeride teach how to pick the right snowboard gear best for you and drills to improve your skills. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you sign up that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for snowboard safety on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos;  Building Rhythm, Advanced Snowboarding Getting Air, Superman Eruo Carves, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Advance Snowboard Lesson: Dropping Cliffs, Snowboarding Off Piste, Snowboarding Chutes, Snowboard Lesson Navigating Trees & Obstacles, Active Passive Absorption, Eruo Surfer Carves, Basics For Freestyle Features, Advance Snowboard Carving: Surfer Turns & Grab Carves, Snowboard Responsibility Code #1, Snowboard Responsibility Code #2, Snowboard Responsibility Code #3, Responsibility Code #4 Look Uphill, Snowboard Responsibility Code # 5, #6 Obey All Signs, Snowboard Responsibility Code #7,Funnel Turns For Navigating Obstacles & Snowboarding Moguls.

There’s a saying for a lot of snowboarders, “no friends on a powder day.” When there’s a fresh storm everybody calls in sick and hits the slopes as soon as they open. Common excuses are the white flu or the powder bug and bosses expect employees to hit the slopes for a couple hours in the morning. The first few runs the snow is untouched and those runs are something you’ll never forget. The snow gets tracked out and lots of snowboarders are done by noon. Those days are epic and worth taking a sick day. You may not tell your boss where you are but let somebody know if you’re going up as a lone wolf.

Keep your phone charged and stay inbounds if you’re going at it by yourself. You’ll need a way to call for help if something God forbid, goes wrong. Sometimes you might be with someone but they’re slow so you can get 2 runs in the time it takes them to do one. A lot of powder can make it difficult for lower level riders so think about that if you’re taking someone at a lower level. If you’ve ever experienced a powder day you probably have been hooked on snowboarding because of that day.

Stay safe out there and have the right gear to make you experience one to last a lifetime. If you’re not at that level signup for a lesson with me and use my online school to get you to Ride Right™! Get Hooked On Snowboarding with Snowboardclass/Flowing Freeride’s techniques by going back to other snowboard videos that teach how to improve your skills, improve your knowledge on equipment, safety, terrain and weather. You can sign up for the full course to gain access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark Contact Me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.

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Preparation Routines For The Snowboard Season

Some of the best prep routines to prepare for the snowboard season are doing things that keep your body in shape. That means going to the gym, working out, eating right and getting enough sleep. I like to work out doing at least 30 minutes of cardio and then 30 minutes of weight training. I’ve found this makes me feel the best and prepares me to be strong and healthy for the snowboard season. Working out is great but you want to eat well too. I like to take vitamin C and fish oil. Fish oil lubricates my joints and makes me able to move more fluidly because of that oil and it’s good for you. If you’re not sure what vitamins or supplements you like try taking them the night before and if you wake up feeling good then use it. If you wake up feeling hungover or groggy then it’s not for you. You’ll want to burn as many or more calories that  you intake. Staying fit will keep you moving well.

I drink lots of water so that I stay hydrated and it keeps my joints and muscles healthy. If you don’t drink enough water your muscles can cramp and cause injury. You want to Stay Snowboard Fit To Prevent Injuries. When you’re snowboarding up in the mountains you need to drink lots of water and it helps with elevation sickness. Eat healthy, choosing foods that don’t have tons of saturated fat or high fructose corn syrup. Most places I’ve lived outside of the US do not put corn syrup into their Foods because it’s bad for you and their governments pay for their health care so they want their citizens to be healthy. Try to avoid corn syrup and other additives that are put in foods in the US. Eating foods that are made fresh with fresh ingredients is a big plus.

Sleep is so important you want to get at least seven and a half hours per night. The older you get the more rest you need. Getting enough sleep will allow your body to repair and your mind to rest as well. You would think that sleeping is easy but a lot of us are very busy and sometimes it’s hard to get that much sleep. When you have enough time to sleep your body heals, you’re rested and it causes less stress. Sleeping will be very beneficial in multiple ways but the biggest is it creates a stress free environment. Your body and mind will be able to function at the highest ability level and you’ll feel great. Get your sleep to fill the best. 

Take care of your equipment by Waxing Your Snowboard and keeping the edges sharp. I will sharpen my edges first and then clean off the metal. You don’t want little pieces of metal getting into your wax so sharpen first, clean it off and then wax. I will wax my snowboard at the beginning of the day. That way the snowboard has dried, is warm not cold and it’s a better result. Repair Your Snowboard When You Hit Rocks & Get Core Shots. This will keep water from getting into your core and ruining your snowboard. At the end of your snowboard day dry your boots, gloves and other clothing to eliminate bacteria and mildew. I shower at the end of the day too to get rid of sweat from a hard day of ripping. 

I like to wake up earlier in the morning because if you’re just moping around or sleeping too much you can get depressed so try to stay active. It’s good to have a good routine of getting up earlier and going to bed earlier that gives you more time in the day to do things. Sunlight can affect how you feel so if you can be out during the morning and in the sunlight it will make your body feel better because you’re getting more vitamin D. It gives you more time to do things during the day. You’ll have more energy. You’ll be able to go to the gym, outdoors, hiking, biking, fishing or do any other outdoor recreation.

There’s been a lot of snow in early-season the last two seasons and I’ve been able to hike in October. Take Your Rock Board Out In Roctober. The best way to get into snowboard shape is to snowboard. No matter how much working out you do at the gym, mountain biking, street biking, running or hiking does not compare to just actually snowboarding. As soon as there is enough snow in the mountains start hiking and getting on your board. When my joints and muscles are sore I like to sit in the hot tub or steam room to help repair and to take care of my body.

Eat right, take healthy supplements, get enough sleep, eliminate stress out of your life, workout and keep a balance between work and family life. Drink plenty of water, stay healthy, it will keep you younger, and it will keep you moving. You don’t want to stagnate and not move that’s when you get a lot more injuries. If you have a desk job make sure that you get up, walk around, move and let the blood flow. They say that a huge health problem is that people sit at their desks and don’t walk around. The new cancer is the desk job where you don’t do anything but sit at your desk. You need to get up periodically and move around so the blood flows through your body and to your brain. These are some simple prep routines that you can take to help you become a healthier better snowboarder.  The article is published sportsmd.com.

Get Hooked On Snowboarding with Flowing Freeride’s techniques by signing up for the full course to gain access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark contact me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding. Hope you like the quick read on snowboard prep routines  and look forward to seeing you out on the mountain!