Learn Snowboard Buttering Basics & Snowboard Tricks

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This snowboard tutorial will go over Basic Buttering Techniques. Buttering is a cool trick to be able to do on your snowboard. It’s when you start balancing on just your nose or tail of you board. Think about applying butter on a piece of bread and that’s where the term buttering comes from. It’s easier to butter on snowboards that are softer in their flex pattern. Reverse camber or banana boards are built to butter. You will loose other efficiencies but it that’s your style go for it. Other Snowboard Videos on YouTube & Flowing Freeride go over proper ½ pipe, jumps, freestyle and riding the park techniques. You’ll have access to all our snowboard tutorials when you signup that cover every step and feedback from your coach. We also have some free snowboard videos to prepare for snowboard safety on our YouTube Page. I recommend watching these snowboard videos; Building RhythmAdvanced Snowboarding Getting AirSuperman Eruo Carves, Snowboard Dynamic Flex & Extend, Advance Snowboard Lesson: Dropping Cliffs, Snowboarding Off Piste, Snowboarding Chutes, Snowboard Lesson Navigating Trees & Obstacles, Active Passive AbsorptionEruo Surfer Carves, Basics For Freestyle Features, Advance Snowboard Carving: Surfer Turns & Grab Carves, Funnel Turns For Navigating Obstacles & Snowboarding Moguls.

Find a flat area where your board isn’t moving and draw a line in the snow. Find a flat area where your board isn’t moving and draw a line in the snow. Find a flat area where your board isn’t moving and draw a line in the snow. After you’ve drawn the line in the snow you’re going to try to jump from left foot to right foot landing on that line. Use the board to absorb your landing. Instead of landing flat on your foot land on the nose and tail. Get the board to flex as your landing. This will bend the board and make it easier on your body. Think of jumping on a trampoline. The springs and matt flex and absorb your weight and then pop you back up. When you land flat on your foot your body absorbs the impact. Use your board to create pop and it will be easier on your body allowing you to snowboard longer.

The first thing you want to do is start leaning right and left foot forward making a 90º angle in that leg that you’re putting more weight on. The left leg and then right leg making a 90º angle. Then you’re going to start putting more weight lifting the board off the snow. Then get the nose and tail off the snow a little bit. Then you’re to start doing the drill jumping from left foot to right foot landing on that line. If you can’t see the line well use your glove. That will make a good line so I can see where I’m suppose to land. After you’re able to do that start moving around and lifting up. You’ll start to see that your board will start to spin a little bit. Keep your snowboard flat that’s a big key. Don’t keep it on it’s edge keep in really flat and don’t keep it on it’s edge. Keep your snowboard really flat. We’re going to start buttering on our snowboards.

Buttering is great for freestyle but it can also help you avoid obstacles on the snow like a rock. Lifting your board over an obstacle prevents you from damaging yourself and equipment. See you out on the slopes! You will gain these snowboard talents by training with Flowing Freeride. You can learn more about Buttering Tricks & Freestyle and get Hooked On Snowboarding with Snowboardclass/Flowing Freeride’s techniques so go back to other snowboard videos that teach you about hiking the backcountry. You can signup to get access to all of our snowboard lessons, study guides, textbooks, glossary, tests and direct feedback from your coach. Learn to snowboard online with flowingfreeride.com and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right! My name is Blake Tholen Clark Contact Me if you want to book a lesson or have any questions about Snowboarding.