Beginner Snowboard Lesson Heelside & Toeside

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Learn to snowboarding right with this beginner drill Toesdie & Heelside position. This online snowboard lesson will go over the Toeside & Heelside to get muscle memory developed for standing sideways on your snowboard. It really helps beginner snowboarders develop skills before getting on the snow and going up the lift. Learn to snowboard online with and take a look at our YouTube Page for more free content and learn to snowboard right.

Heelside stance is usually going to be the easier edge because everyone already knows how to sit down or squat. The Heelside is just that; bend your hips knees and ankles. When you’re on your heelside edge you’re facing down the mountain and it feels safer. As a beginner snowboarder you’ll might not want to even try the Toeside edge and people that just do the Heelside edge become Heelside Heros. You can get down the mountain but it doesn’t look good, wears out your body and scrapes all the good snow off the mountain. Practice just turning your neck and not your whole upper body or you’ll develop bad habits.

It’s best to start practicing the Toeside edge position first. Unless you’ve done other board sports like wakeboarding, surfing or skateboarding the Toeside position is difficult because there’s no muscle memory. Stand normal on your board and then look over your front shoulder by just turning your neck. This video shows exactly what I’m talking about. Bend your knees and ankles but extend your hips. This is the big difference between the two edges. Toeside you extend your hips and Heelside you’re bending your hips.

You can practice these positions before even getting on the snow so you maximize your time on snow.  A lot of the times you’ll have to unlearn inefficient body movements and that can take a lot of time. Start snowboarding right at the beginning and you’ll excel quickly. Avoid injuries by using & snowboard video tutorials.